Well earning money online nowadays has become really famous and easy. Almost everyone with a smartphone and some good amount of knowledge about internet wants to make money online. But most of them don't know how to earn online or even if they know they are not sure about those ways and make them think that whether they will be able to earn money or not. But to be honest, just think of this that internet is used by billions of people so it has the almost 100% chances of making money from it.


Now the question comes How much can you earn from it? Well, the simple answer to this question is that YOU CAN MAKE UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF MONEY FROM INTERNET. If you find it hard to believe me then check out this screenshot taken from Incomediary

You can see in the screenshot that the top earning companies from internet generates huge sums of money from their website. Also, it is an interesting fact that from this list Amazon, Google, Facebook, Alibaba are the top companies with the highest net worth. Also, Amazon is the biggest player among this as it has crossed $1 trillion total net worth in 2018. 


So now since, you are convinced that people can earn money from the internet the question arises that how to earn from it. Well, there lots way available from which you can earn a hefty amount of money, but out of those, there are some which require a good amount of investment and some which don't require any type of investment. Out of these ways few are there which really has a lot of potential of making a lot of money if you take them in the right direction, remember one thing that though these ways have the potential of making a lot of money it doesn't mean that you will be able to earn money on the very first day or you will be able to earn without giving any effort from your own side.

Now the question comes what are the ways that can make me so much of money through which I can become a millionaire?



Now, this may sound a bit hard or the work of professional but believe me, it's not. Everybody know that TIME HAS CHANGED so do technology has also changed. You really don't need any type of programming skill to start your own e-commerce business or any type of advanced computer skills. All you need is a computer, internet connection, and your own will to do it.
At present, the internet has become so powerful that you can open your own e-commerce store in a few minutes. There are many websites out there who provided this type of service out of which some are paid and some are free. They have thousands of preset templates/designs for the store, out which you can choose any one a then you are good to go. Then you can add products there and privacy policy and that's pretty much it. You don't have to worry about site security or any type of break down of the website. Few of the best e-commerce website make are-


  1. SHOPIFY-it is probably the best e-commerce website maker available on the internet and it is
used by thousands of merchants around the globe. It has a lot of features that are really useful. It also has an inbuilt app store where there are a lot of useful apps which can be installed on your website. But it is not free. It gives you a 14 days trial period so that in those trial period you can make your website ready. 

2. WOOCOMMERCE-It is a free software that comes to WordPress. But if you take woocomerece
with wordpress.com then you will have to get paid membership of Wordpress but if you use wordpress.org then it comes free. Woocomerece has also a lot of features almost similar to Shopify and in some ways better than Shopify but it does require some good amount of knowledge of hosting, domain, and all those stuff if you use wordpress.org.


 Now there are many other provides this service-

    3. Bicommerce
    4. Zencommerce
     7.Godaddy Store Designer

Conclusion-Opening an online store can be the best way of becoming a millionaire fast. But you will also have to consider the fact that you have to invest in this a bit in order to get success. Here is a photo of  successful e-commerce dropshipping(it means that you don't need to have your own inventory to sell, you can sell things from a wholesaler such as Aliexpress without actually having the product  with you, the product directly gets delivered to the customer from Aliexpress you just act as the middleman) store which was just 9 months old-

So you can see that opening an e-commerce site can be really profitable.


Now you may think that for making an app one needs to professional and needs to know a lot of programming, at least this is what I thought before until I came to know the various way of making an app without even having prior knowledge of programming. There are websites and software who gives this type of service. They let you build your apps in their system in a very easy and simple way and no programming is needed. Out of these some lets, you build apps and some lets you make hypercasual games.

There are a lot of ways of making money from an app. Two of the most famous ways of generating revenues from apps are

  1. In-App Advertisement- it probably the most famous way of making money or generating

revenue from an app. Companies like Google have platform named Admob which provides the
service of pushing in advertisements in your app and in return they give you money for that. Many App Developers are earning a quite big chunk of money from Admob. There are many others who give the same type of service but among them, Google's Admob is mostly used since it pays a lot more than any other advertisers.

Here is a screenshot of Earning From Admob-

 So you can see that in just in a month you can earn a big chunk of money from it and in most cases this income goes on increasing as your app users increases.

    2. In-App Billing- It is a service provided by google play store and Apple's App Store where you can sell digital things inside you App or game. It is the real way from which you can make thousands of money every single day. The way is simple You provide the user with a special feature of your app and in return, the user pays a little amount of cash. If you have less number of users then it might not be a game changer for you but if have millions of users then it will act like the money printing machine for you. Games like PUBG Mobile, Pokemon Go, Clash of Clans make Millions of Dollar every single day.


So here are some lists of websites and software using which you will be able to build app/games-

  1. Thunkable- It is a website which has really brought a revolution in app building. You don't need to know any type of programming. You can head over to thunkable.com, then make an account for free there and you are ready to build any type of apps there. You just need to drag and drop elements in the preview screen. You just need to learn the block codding there which is a thousand times easier than real coding. You just need to arrange the code block and you are good to go. Thunkable has features to add AdMob or in-app billing features. But you will be able to make only apps not games

    Few similar websites like thunkable-

     a. Appybuilder- Has more features than Thunkable and it is also free.
     b. Makeroid- Has the same amount of features like appybuilder but its user interface is more sleek and beautiful and it is also free.

  2. Buildbox- it lets you make interactive Hypercasual games without programming. It has also the feature of putting in Admob and in-app billing. Big companies like Ketchapp uses Buildbox to make their games and most of the games of Ketchapp has downloads more than 10 million, also they release new games almost every week which means they are making a good amount of money every day and this is possible because of Buildbox which lets you make games in hours. But the only thing is that it is paid. There is no free version of Buildbox.

Conclusion- So you can see that building app isn't that tough and one can make a lot of money from it. You just need a creative idea and invest your time in it.

These two were the most prominent ways of becoming a millionaire in 1 year. These two ways ensured way which will lead you to success if you work hard and give time in it.

Other Ways of becoming Millionaire-

There are many other ways of becoming a millionaire online but those ways will not make you a millionaire in the very first year. You will need to give time to them before they can give fruitful results. But obviously, if you put these ways in the right direction you might be able to get the result in your very first year. Few of those ways are-

  Become a Youtuber- Now you may one cannot earn millions of dollar from youtube but actually, you can. A  Youtuber name Logan Paul made around $5.6 million from youtube advertisement revenue in his first year on Youtube!!. Their many others who make more than him but he was the first to earn so much of money in his first year. Few other Youtuber who make millions of dollar-

    Markiplier-$17.5 million/year
   Jeffree Star-$18 million/year
   Dude Perfect-$20 million/year
   Ryan Toys Review-$22 million/year

  Affiliate Marketing-It is a pretty simple way of earning a lot of money. You just need to sell a product of Amazon or eBay or any other company that has affiliation feature to a person and in return, you get a percent from it. The companies give you a special link which you need to share, if anybody goes through that link and buys the product then you will get some amount of money. Initially, you can test it by sharing the link to your friends through WhatsApp or Facebook or in Instagram and then once you see getting profit you can put those links in youtube videos description or in your blog/website. But in this method, you need to have some base to become a millionaire. Of course, you can earn few hundred bucks by sharing the link to your friends but to earn millions you need to have a blog where you get thousands of visitors every day or a big Youtube channel or an Instagram page with more than hundred thousand followers.

CONCLUSION- Earning millions of dollars online may sound hard but it is actually not. You just need perfect timing and your own creativity do to it. Everyone wants to earn millions of dollar from the internet but only those get the success who doesn't is afraid of failure and is just concerned to his/her goal and leans from their mistakes and make their product the best in the category. BEST OF LUCK IN FOR YOUR JOURNEY TO SUCCESS!!